Password & Account Management
Change Password
Off-Site (Remote users, Sales Reps, Sub-Cons and Distributors):
Your current password is required to continue. If you do not know your current password, please contact the REA IT Help Desk at 408-588-5000 and IT personnel will be paged.
  1. From a non-Renesas dial-up/broadband connection, complete each of the following fields then choose the "Submit" button. Your new password cannot be a previously used password and must be at least 5 characters long in the SEMI domain. INTERSIL domain passwords must contain at least 6 characters and contain 3 of the following: UPPER CASE CHARACTERS, lower case characters, numbers or symbols.

Sales Reps, Sub-Cons and Distributors select INTERSIL domain.
All other REA employees select SEMI domain.

User ID:
Current Password:
New Password:
Confirm New Password:

REA Employees: Be sure to complete each step below before accessing and Renesas applications. This will synchronize your local system password with the new domain password:

  1. Once your password is changed, connect to the SEMI or INTERSIL domain using dial-up or VPN and using your new password.
  2. Lock the computer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and selecting Lock Computer.
  3. Unlock computer by pressing Ctrl+Alt+Del and entering new password (This could take a few minutes, if it does not work the first time, try again in a few minutes).

After you have unlocked the computer, begin using Renesas applications.